We’re delighted you’re checking us out here at First Christian Church. Whether you’re looking for a new church, getting back to church after some time away, or trying church for the first time, this might be just the place for you. You’ll find regular folks looking to God, the Bible, and one another for some answers to life’s questions. We try to live out the love and grace of Jesus Christ as we share life together. And wherever you are in your spiritual journey, our worship, sermons, programs, and events are designed to help you take the next step in that journey. We’d love to walk together with you.

How To Connect

You can connect with First Christian Church several ways:

* Fill out a blue “Welcome Card” during the worship service and place it in the offering box as you exit to request information from the office.

*Contact us through our website at:

-Click the “Connect” tab and fill out your information.

Call the church office at 541-296-6189

*Visit the “Hospitality Desk” located in the Fireside room after each service Sunday morning.

*Plug into a “Life Group” to connect with people in a smaller setting.

*Take our 101 Class on the basics of First Christian Church.