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In order to help new believers in Jesus to successfully leave their old lifestyles of drugs and alcohol, the Mid-Columbia Grace House (MCGH) was formed, consisting of two recovery homes in The Dalles, Oregon.
Grace House holds ten men plus house manager Will Tanner.
Mercy House holds two women plus house manager Kim Stewart.
Will and Kim along with others on their respective boards aim to reach those lost in addiction with the Gospel and help them see a new purpose for life.
Grace House:
1003 Court St.
The Dalles, OR 97058
GH phone: 541-296-3455
Mercy House:
704 E. 12th St.
The Dalles, OR 97058
MH phone: 541-296-3196
Mid-Columbia Grace House
624 E. 12th St.
The Dalles, OR 97058
To stay up to date on what’s going on, and get inspirational messages, make sure you follow us on social media.