Williams’ Ministry Focus

The Williams served among the Bribri in Costa Rica for a number of years. They now helping prepare verse-by-verse Bible translation guides for each book of the Bible in simple Spanish called Notas Para Traductores, Translator’s Notes (TN). These are designed for indigenous Bible translators who speak a national language as their second language. For example, a native speaker of Bribri who has at least a 10th grade education and speaks the national language (Spanish) fairly well, can use the TNs to help them translate the Bible into Bribri. The TNs are written in major languages like English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Paul works on the Spanish team, taking the English TNs and translating them into Spanish. This requires a lengthy process of adaptation before they can be translated. That is Paul’s job, to adapt them so they are ready to be translated directly into Spanish, and then be used by native translators.

Support Information

Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
Include note: “with preference for the Wycliffe ministry
of Paul & Linda Williams,
account #219587”