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After serving 17 years with Wycliffe, supporting translation teams reaching Bible-less peoples with God’s Word, David & Denise saw the need for seeing new believers to be firmly established in the faith so that there are no people-less Bibles out there. So, for 5 years, they worked with Firm Foundation In Christ Ministries, helping that mission develop.
Now they are excited to be back with Wycliffe, serving as Field Coordinators with the Global Partnerships team. They work remotely from Oregon with about 10 different Bible translation teams in Eastern Indonesia: establishing relationships with Indonesian partners to see an accelerated impact in the Bible translation movement; mentoring Indonesians joining the Global Partnerships team; and seeing work grow in new and exciting ways as the global church works in unison to see lives transformed by God, through His Word.
To stay up to date on what’s going on, and get inspirational messages, make sure you follow us on social media.