Ministry Focus of The Last Days of Jesus, Inc.
We exist to portray the last days of Jesus Christ’s physical earthly ministry before He ascended into heaven, in order to:
present the Gospel (Good News) of salvation to all who watch;
encourage faith among those who have trusted in Jesus as Savior;
and provide fellowship in Christ for those participating in the ministry.

The passion play started in 1979 as a high school Sunday school class project of First Christian Church (FCC). Within only a few years, the production outgrew the church and had to move some scenes to other venues as well as find volunteers from the churches of the community.

In 2017, the outreach became its own non-profit; and for those on its board, it is now a year-round ministry. They meet monthly to pray for our community and to plan ways to engage more Christians to pray for, give to and participate in this mission to lift up the name of Jesus and draw many to Him.
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