CSN Radio’s Ministry Focus

Also called Christian Satellite Network, CSN Radio’s mission is the feeding of God’s sheep as instructed in His Holy Word. Their aim is to follow these instructions by broadcasting Biblical teachings and anointed praise and worship music 24 hours a day to communities throughout the United States and the world. Jesus said we become strong by the Word of God abiding in us, and CSN’s desire is that its listeners find their ministry to be a point of spiritual growth, maturity and encouragement.

Support Information

CSN International PO Box 391 Twin Falls, ID 83303
1 (800) 357-4226
88.9 FM in The Dalles

Just some of CSN Radio’s Weekly Programs & Speakers

Stand in the Gap
Watchman on the Wall
Misguided by Mormonism
Alistair Begg
Greg Laurie
Dr. Charles Stanley
David Jeremiah
Adrian Rogers

Lifeline—Worship with a Purpose
Israel Today
James Dobson
Skip Heitzig
Yael Eckstein
Jay Sekulow
Chip Ingram

Learn the Bible in a Year
To Every Man an Answer (apologetics call-in show)
J Vernon McGee
Tony Evans
Chuck Smith
Robert Jeffress
Jill Taylor
The Briscoes